Registration Questions 2024

Details of UCAT 2025 are being finalised and will be updated on the website before registration opens in May.

The UCAT Consortium seeks to minimise bias due to factors such as age, gender, nationality, ethnicity or socio-economic background. In order to do this we collect demographic, admissions and educational data from our candidates.

The data collected below provides the Consortium with an effective, reliable mechanism for the administration of the test, the verification of the fairness and internal reliability of the test and allows UCAT to undertake research related to admissions to medicine and dentistry.

Research and analysis only takes place on anonymised data and the Consortium is committed to ensuring that no individuals or groups can be identified in any published research undertaken on its behalf.

For clarity, none of the data collected below is passed to Universities during or after the admissions cycle. For further details regarding the collection, security and use of your data please refer to our Data Privacy Policy.

Where we ask about your Parent/Carer we mean the parent or carer who has most fulfilled the role of parents in the household in which you grew up, who may or may not be your biological parents.

Question Answer Options
Individuals with an affiliation with a UCAT coaching business, for example, in their capacity as a tutor, or as an item developer, or having some financial interest in a UCAT coaching business are not eligible to sit the UCAT. [Tick Box] I confirm I do not have an affiliation with a UCAT coaching business
Are you intending to apply to either of the universities listed below? Select from: Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (NTU, Singapore); University of Kurdistan Hewler; None of the above.
Which of the following best describes your gender? Select from: Man; Woman, I use another term; I prefer not to say.
Where is your country of permanent residence?  This means the country where you and your family would normally live. For UK, EU and Other candidates – select from drop down list
What is your area of permanent residence? For UK candidates only.  Select from: England; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Wales.
What is your nationality? For EU and Other candidates only.  Select from drop down list.
What is your ethnic group? For UK candidates only.  Select from: White; Mixed or multiple ethnic backgrounds; Asian or Asian British; Black, African, Caribbean or Black British; Other ethnic group; I prefer not to say.
What is the best description of the most recent school/college you attend/attended? For UK candidates only.  Select from: Independent/Private Fee Paying School; Grammar School (selective); Academy/Secondary School; Further Education College / Sixth Form College; University; Other.
Are you currently, or have you been, in receipt of free school meals during your secondary education? For UK candidates only.  Select from: Yes; No; Don’t know; I prefer not to say.
The following questions are important in our analysis of test results to ensure that we do not discriminate against particular groups.  Please answer these questions even if you are no longer living with your parents/carers.  (For UK candidates only)
Select the option that best describes the occupation of your parent/carer who is the highest earner.  If they are retired or unemployed, select their most recent occupation. Select from: Modern Professional (e.g. teacher, nurse, social worker, artist, police officer (sergeant or above)); Clerical & intermediate (e.g. secretary, call centre agent, nursing auxiliary, nursery nurse); Senior managers or administrators (e.g. finance manager, chief executive); Technical & craft (e.g. motor mechanic, plumber, printer, tool maker, gardener, train driver, fitter); Semi-routine manual & service (e.g. postal / farm worker, security guard, catering/sales assistant); Routine manual & service (e.g. HGV driver, cleaner, porter, sewing machinist, bar staff, labourer); Middle or junior managers (e.g. office / retail / bank / restaurant / warehouse manager, publican); Traditional professional (e.g. accountant, solicitor, medical practitioner, scientist, civil servant); Never worked; Don’t know; I prefer not to say.
Does (did) your Parent/Carer work as an employee or are (were) they self-employed? Select from: Employee; Self-employed with employees; Self-employed or freelance without employees.
Please estimate how many people work (worked) where your Parent/Carer works. For candidates with a parent/carer who is an employee.  Select from: 1-24 employees; 25 or more employees.
How many people does (did) your Parent/Carer employ? For candidates with a parent/carer who is self-employed with employees.  Select from: 1-24 employees; 25 or more employees.
Does (did) your Parent/Carer supervise other employees on a day-to-day basis? For candidates with a parent/carers who is an employee only.  Select from: Yes; No.
Is English your first language? Select from: Yes; No.
What is the highest level of qualification you expect to have BEFORE you START your University course? Select from: School leaver qualifications (e.g. A-level, Scottish Higher/Advanced Higher, Irish Leaving Certificate, International Baccalaureate, BTEC); Degree level or above (e.g. BA, BSc, MA. MSc, PhD); I will have no formal qualifications.
 Is a parent/guardian/close family member a doctor or dentist? Select from: Yes; No; I prefer not to say.
Is a parent/guardian/close family member another type of health care worker? Select from: Yes; No; I prefer not to say.
Do any of your parents, step-parents or guardians have higher education qualifications, such as a degree, diploma or certificate of higher education? Select from: Yes; No; Don't know; I prefer not to say.
Do you have a learning difficulty (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia) or any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last for 12 months or more? Select from: Yes; No; Don't know; I prefer not to say.
If you require extra time/accommodations for exams due to a learning difficulty or disability, refer to the UCAT website and apply for access arrangements before booking a test. For candidates who selected 'Yes' above. [Tick Box] I confirm I understand how to apply for access arrangements.
I confirm that all my data above is correct and I agree to its use by the UCAT Consortium as described in the Data Privacy Policy Yes