Contact Customer Services

Before contacting Customer Services, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS).

Please ensure you direct your enquiry in the correct way, otherwise there may be a delay in dealing with your request.

Data Privacy

We must have a candidate's written consent to a third party (such as a parent/guardian or teacher) acting on their behalf. It is therefore preferable that candidates contact us directly.

Call Pearson VUE Customer Services for advice about:

  • Registration or UCAT Account Issues - account registration emails can take up to 1 working day to arrive (excluding Sat/Sun). Check junk/spam folders before calling.
  • Booking issues or payment queries.
  • Rescheduling or cancelling a test.

Pearson VUE Customer Services
0208 616 5106 or +44 208 616 5106
Open Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 17:00 UK time (except UK bank holidays).

Email Pearson VUE Customer Services for:

  • Bursary voucher refunds - complete ALL fields and include your bursary voucher code for the refund to be processed.
  • ID queries - please refer to the ID Policy and FAQs first.
  • Name changes - upload a copy of your ID to verify your request.
  • Score report copies
  • General queries

You will usually receive a response in 3 working days but between May and October please allow up to 5 working days. You CANNOT book, cancel or reschedule a test using the email form.

There may be a delay dealing with your query if you do not complete all the fields or the information you provide does not match your account details.

DO NOT use the form below to request an Incident Investigation. You MUST use the form on the Test Incident page.

Pearson VUE Customer Services Email Form