OnVUE UCAT Application Form
The deadline to apply for the OnVUE UCAT was 12 noon (BST) on 16 September 2024. Applications are not accepted after this deadline.
Complete the application form below to apply to sit the OnVUE UCAT for geographic reasons. You will need:
- Your candidate ID (in the format UKCAT + 6 digits)
- Details of your nearest test centre (use the test centre locator) and an estimate of your distance/travel time from it.
Please read the eligibility criteria before making an application.
You should also have checked local test centre availability by following the steps to schedule a test through your UCAT account.
We reserve the right to request evidence to verify your eligibility.
Important! If you are applying to sit the OnVUE UCAT for geographic reasons and you require extra time or rest breaks in public exams due to a disability, please apply for Access Arrangements and wait for the outcome of that application before making an OnVUE UCAT application. Do not book a test until you hear the outcome of your OnVUE UCAT application.
Key Dates
Applications and evidence outside these dates are not accepted.
- Applications open: 18 June 2024 (09:30 BST)
- Application deadline: 16 September (12 noon BST)
Please type your candidate ID into the form - do not use AutoFill or copy/paste.
Test Version
Select the version of the test you are eligible to sit:
Extra time and/or rest breaks must be approved in advance
Standard test
25% extra time
Standard test with rest breaks
25% extra time with rest breaks
50% extra time
I declare that:
Data Privacy
One or more of the fields above were not valid. Please correct and submit again.
Application Complete
Thank you for your application. This has been submitted directly to the UCAT Office.
A confirmation email, which includes an application reference number, has been sent to the email address you provided.
Please check your spam and junk email folders if you do not receive an email, as it is possible that emails from UCAT could automatically go to these folders. Please add [email protected] to your safe senders list now to prevent this.
If you do not hear the outcome of your application within 5 working days (and it is not in your spam/junk folders) please email the UCAT Office.
Oops something went wrong!!.
There was an error with the application process. Please try again and don't forget to fill all the mandatory fields. If this is a re-occurance please email : Website Administrator